Thursday, February 3, 2011

Week Three

My third week in Norwich started off with a one the best meals I have here. My Chinese friends from the basketball team made Mikey and I authentic Chinese food. Not only is Chinese food my favorite food, but it was great to have Chinese food that wasn't Americanized. Lee, on the right in the picture was the primary cook. He made a great meal: two types of chicken wings, fried rice, steamed vegetables, beef stew, and lettuce. It was plenty of food, and Mikey and I gladly did the dishes for the cook.

Wenn, Mikey, Me, Lee
Some of the food, nothing really left

This past weekend included trips to Morrisons, the local grocery store, and the train station to purchase a train ticket to London. On February 7th I will be traveling to London for the day to take care of some paperwork and business. I am excited for this trip because I will have a few hours to kill after my appointment and before my return train to walk around the city, take pictures, and view sites. 

Tomorrow night is the kick off premier for our radio show "Bridging the Gap," make sure to tune in at 5:30pm EST!

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