Friday, February 4, 2011

BrIdGiNg ThE gAp

This weeks premier went pretty smooth. There were some minor technical difficulties, but like any form of adversity, we found a way to overcome. We, the DJs, would like to thank everyone for all the love we received. As the questions and requests poured in, we tried to answer the ones that were most appropriate, we apologize for not playing all of the requests, and not answering all the questions. Tune in next week, same time to have your request or question answered.

DJ Seany D

DJ Money Mic

DJ Mars McPluto

Mic and Mars

Seany D

Mars singing about Kobe

Seany D and Mic

Again we would like to thank all of our listeners for the love we received tonight. We are preparing for a new and exciting show next week. Any suggested topics can be emailed to or texted into the studio.

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