Sunday, January 9, 2011

Last day at home

Although the trip for England doesn't start until the 11th, today is my last day at home. The journey starts a day early for me, as I stop in Washington DC for one final night in the states. As with previous nights in DC, this one should be filled with laughs and excitement. Although I will be parting with my friends and family for some time, the promise of education, excitement, and adventure will make the separation easier. Those I am separated from will not be forgotten, they will always be remembered. Everyone who knows me, knows that I am a real person, but that's  enough of that for now. On my last day at home I have a lot I have left to do. To get it started off the right way I am going to get some food. My last meal at home - Chili's. Honestly, it doesn't get any better than this.

I will keep everyone updated.



  1. Mike,

    This should be a great experience. Looking forward to the updates and visiting soon.

  2. I love that your last meal was Chili's. SO fitting. We're getting Chili's ASAP when we're reunited, but until then, enjoy fish n' chips :)
