Monday, January 24, 2011

First Week at UEA

My first week at UEA went very smooth. I really like my flatmates who are all very nice and friendly. Although my room is a little smaller than what I was used to at Dickinson or home, it is very comfortable with everything I need. Today I am finally finished unpacking, after moving tee-shirts and pants from my desk and the floor, they are finally put away properly. It took me quite some time to settle in because initially I was very interested in going into the City, checking out campus, and hanging out with friends. Although it took about a week and a half, the feeling of being finally settled is quite nice. I have quite a bit of laundry that needs to be done, and I am contemplating doing it in the kitchen sink, or paying the ridiculous amount for the laundry mat on campus that is some distance from the flat.

Also in the first week I have signed up for two societies, Men's Basketball and Livewire, the student run radio show. The Men's Basketball team is going to be a lot of fun, and hopefully we will play against some competitive. We have our first game Wednesday the 26th against a team of Lithuanians; I am not sure of their team name but I am sure they will be able to shoot the ball like most Europeans. The radio show will be hosted by Dwight, Sean, and I on either Thursdays or Fridays. We have signed up for a few time slots, and I will update for what our weekly time slot is. To listen online visit: and click the listen live button on the top right corner. Our radio show is going to play both American and English music - unpopular on the rise artists - in the hope to bridge the gap across the Atlantic. We will also have segments of our show where we discuss differences in culture between the two countries, or more importantly, how we are actually not that different.

My first week of classes also went very smooth. Tuesday is my toughest day with between 6-8 hours of class. It will be important that I pay attention to UEA's awful online time schedule, which changes weekly and sometimes is unusable to make all of my academic commitments. UEA does not use a consistent weekly class schedule. Each week I could have class at different times, in different rooms, and by different professors. Understanding this overcomplicated system was somewhat of a challenge week one, but I think this next week I will have a better hang of it.

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