Friday, March 4, 2011

Cultural Immersion

Ever since my arrival on Jan 12 I have been immersed into British Culture. One thing I have noticed is that a huge aspect of British culture is the pub, because many social events are located at a pub - watching sports, game/quiz nights, live music, and my favorite Karaoke. As with bars in the States, different pub's attract different groups of individuals. There have been a few times when we have tried a pub and only been there for a few minutes due to the drastic difference in age between us and the other pubbers. Some of the pubs in Norwich are very historic and have been around for hundreds of years (it is crazy that I have been in a pub, Adam & Eve, which is older than the United States), others are known for their solid reputation (Fatcat).

Besides pub culture, I have been immersed into Chinese culture thanks to my Chinese friends on the basketball team. We will hang out quite a few times a week, having dinner, going to a pub or club, and also playing basketball. It has been great hanging out and getting to know them because they have shared not only their food and company, but stories about home and a lot of their culture. This past Wednesday, Dwight and I made them Chicken Ranch Wraps - one of our favorite foods back home - and they loved it. These guys have been very generous and kind with us, and it has been great getting to know them. They also really enjoy the meals we've made, and it has been great to share our favorite foods as they have shared theirs.

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