Wednesday, March 30, 2011


From the 24th to 28th I went to Ireland to visit my Uncle Tom, aunt and cousins. I was very excited for this trip for two reasons. First, I haven't seen my cousins, uncle, and aunt in quite some time, so that was very exciting; second, I had never been to Ireland. Here are some pictures from the trip:

Ireland from Plane

Glendalough upper lake

Glendalough waterfall

Glendalough run off from waterfall

Glendalough Monk Tower

Glendalough church ruins

Glendalough church ruins inside

Glendalough graveyard

Glendalough graveyard 2

Glendalough Monk Tower from distance

Jack making pizza

Jack washing Tom's '66 Mustang

'66 Mustang clean

Ruby and Lily after school







Cousins at Powerscourts




Guinness Factory

Guinness Factory

Guinness Factory

Guinness Factory

Guinness Factory

Guinness Factory

Guinness Factory

Ireland Football match

Ireland Football match

Bray hill

Last day hike with Tom and Aileen

View from top of hike

View 2 from top of hike

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Church from a distance

Stain Glass in Church

Dome in the church

haha funny they just realized the truth

Canal System

We were Amsterdam

Dylan and Sean outside Van Gogh museum

Dylan, Sean, and I the morning after outside our hostel

Dylan and I outside of the Van Gogh Museum

Dylan, Sean, and I on bridge over one of the canals

Multatuli statue near Canals

Great hall in Royal Palace

More statues

Sitting room in Royal Palace

Monkey I liked

Artwork on the ceiling of a bedroom in Royal Palace

Dylan, Sean, and I in the Royal Palace hallway

Playing around with some features on my camera in the Royal Palace

Dinner our last night. Great food, overpriced.

The flight home, slightly exhausted and ready to be in the UK

Sleeping in the Airport our before our train home